Sunday, 2 February 2014

New Burlesque season officially open!

It was so nice to finally get to perform again after the Xmas break! We had a rather special private show with Thee Dizzy Daisies yesterday, we performed our latest group act Aurora Borealis (the first time with the three of us instead of two since we premiered it in the Suomi Burleski Gaala last October) for the birthday of a friend of Gigi, and our audience consisted of only two people! :-D
But you rarely get such a crazy audience and I have to say that it was a great pleasure to perform for them since they were screaming already before it started! 

We were getting ready before they arrived, when I suddenly noticed something was sticking out of my costume: a pin in a rather "sensitive" area! I have been wearing this costume a few times already and this was the first time I notice it, so I guess I should be glad I noticed it before I hurt myself :-D

the dangers of burlesque!

Happy girls with the headpieces that amazing Finnish Milliner Fiona Timantti made for our Aurora Borealis act <3

the gals <3
picture stolen from Sandy

And home early after the show! It was pretty cold in Helsinki yesterday (well, only -8C, but very windy!) so it was funny to put all the crazy layers of clothing back on after the show, and with all the makeup still on! Definitely not used to wearing makeup on weekdays...
(and in case you had never seen me with the hair "undone" and you were wondering, it's actually waist long)

my current favourite winter hat!
yellow <3

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