Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Jazz History Through Times & hairstyling

Today and tomorrow in Kulttuurikeskus in Espoo! This is a very special event organized by Clyde Wilder (New York, USA), Malin Grahn and the Helsinki Traditional Jazz Dance Company, that presents the story of the slaves of West Africa in their journey to the States and the dances that developed influenced by the culture they brought with them. You will be treated to a wide collection of different dances and styles, including African mask dances, charleston, lindy hop and blues. Check the facebook event page for more info!

Both Clyde and Malin have plenty of years of experience in the field, having studied in the States from the very sources, and having also researched these dances and the culture related to them in depth. Malin teaches in a few places in Helsinki, and they will both be performing together with Malin's students. 

left: the girls at the HBF13, picture by Atelieri O. Haapala
costuming by Anni Laanti and Fiona Timantti
right: Malin Grahn and Clyde Wilder, picture by Nuppu Linnavuori,
dress by Anni Laanti

I first met Malin about a year ago at the Vapriikki Vintage event in Tampere (which is happening this weekend!), when I styled her hair and that of three of her students that were teaching and performing charleston in that event. Since then I have had the pleasure of helping her with hairstyling a few times, and I will be doing so again today and tomorrow, together with my dear friend the modist and stylist Fiona Timantti (who is also one of the dancers). 

left: 1920's style hair at Vapriikki Vintage 2013
right: 1930's style hair for Malin, dress by Anni
Laanti and makeup by Miia Magia

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